Bio-Energy (or Bioenergy) healing is a holistic energy healing technique for treatment of physical, emotional, and mental blocks and illnesses. It is a more modern method of energy healing and works on the body’s own magnetic field.

The purpose of energy medicine is to treat physical diseases, mental problems and enhance the general performance of the body. The therapies heal the body through the activation of the natural healing energies in the body and revitalize energies that are imbalanced or weakened.

Some energy field therapies are well-known and widely used in the orient and occident. Some of them are: acupressure, acupuncture, Reiki, Qi, Kinesiology. These therapies are based on the belief that our bodies contain a subtle form of life force energy which we don’t yet have, yet, the ability to measure. In the Ayurvedic medicine it is called ‘prana’ and in the Chinese medicine ‘Qi’ or ‘Chi’.  In the late 70s, we started to hear about (PEMFT), pioneered by Drs. Andrew Bassett and Arthur Pilla, which it has proved efficient in the repair of cells (hyperlink behind ‘PEMFT’

Aura Master, created by Bruno Gimenes in partnership with Patricia Candido in 2018, is “an immediate action technique that anyone can practice against fears, hurts, traumas, and any emotional, mental blockages that hinder or hold back one’s success.”

Atma Healing is a vibrational therapy system with origin in the Vedas (add the

Hyperlink: behind the word ‘Vedas’),

followed by the Greek philosophers who  developed this knowledge, then Dr Jung and Dr Stone added more to it.  This therapy was created by Amanda Dreher in 2021.

Atma Healing is, therefore, a powerful tool from the Creative force of the Universe, for us to return to our natural state of harmony – our Maximum Vibrational Alignment, which is the Alignment with your essence, with your infinite and unlimited consciousness.” We are an extension of the divine creator.

Atma Healing and Aura Master, are the newest therapies, along with Bio-Energy healing, which aims to balance the patient’s electromagnetic field and achieve harmony on a cellular level.

Energy medicine has been used for centuries and it has always proved to be beneficial. Experts say that, each living organism has energy fields, which are always in constant interaction with fields of other organisms and the environment. The main advantage of these therapies is their ability to restore, not only the physical, but also the mental, spiritual and emotional wellbeing.


  • by Jessica Brown
    Posted March 14, 2017 4:52 pm 0Likes

    Yoga is one of those rare meditative moods that cure your mind, not just the body.

    • by Mike Newton
      Posted March 14, 2017 4:53 pm 0Likes

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    Posted March 14, 2017 4:53 pm 0Likes

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